Tired of Falling Behind in a Recession?

Here's How to Jump the Curve and Get Ahead of the Game

Why should you think differently about a recession? When everybody is being cautious and using the down market cycle to consolidate their business, why should you be the person being bold and investing in new products and services? The answer is surprisingly simple. Consider that some of the most significant companies were born amid a depression or a recession.

Ford was founded during the 1902-1904 recession, while GM started in the aftermath of the panic of 1907, the first global financial crisis of the 20th century. American Airlines was formed during the Great Depression. The 1973-75 recession saw the birth of HBO and Microsoft. Mailchimp sprung into life during this time and is still thriving today. The second Great Recession (2007-2009) saw Airbnb flourish in the market.

What does "jump the curve" mean?

Think of a sine wave — starting at the top of the curve, moving down to the lowest point, and then rising back to the highest point. Imagine if you could jump from peak to peak and skip the low point. To do this means having a completely different mindset…

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