The Journey from Success to Prime
It’s time to take your business to prime!
Taking your business from success to prime is about transitioning from a stage where the business is successful but heavily reliant on the founder, to a stage where the business can thrive independently. This is the prime stage.
If we took the founder out of your business, would your business survive?
In the success stage, the business might be doing well, but it's often characterized by all hands on deck, long hours, and a lack of division of labor. It's a high-pressure situation where everyone is doing whatever it takes to keep the business afloat and growing.
It’s about creating a team of leaders.
Moving to prime involves creating a different culture. It's about everyone playing in their lane, leaning into their natural strengths instead of being a group of generalists. It's about creating a team of leaders who can drive the business forward without the constant presence of the founder.
However, it's important to strike a balance. If people become too compartmentalized, it can lead to bureaucracy, which can ultimately lead to the downfall of the company.
The test.
The asset test for a business in its prime is this: If we took the founder out of our business, would the business move forward? Would it not just survive but actually thrive without the founder?
At The Edge, we help businesses make this transition smoothly and effectively, using cutting-edge practices for game-changing results.